(FAQ)Frequently Asked Questions

Find quick answers to your most common questions here

1. How do I become a certified nurse aide in Mississippi?

There are two (2) ways to become certified in Mississippi. You can take and pass the certification test or you can transfer your certification from another state (reciprocity). 

Testing: You must successfully complete a state approved nurse aide training program and pass both the written and skills portions of the certification test. A list of state-approved nurse aide training programs may be obtained upon request from the state regulatory agency responsible for certifying nurse aides in Mississippi which is the Mississippi State Department of Health, Bureau of Health Facilities, Licensure and Certification. For more information about the test, print and read the candidate handbook. Testing applications are available in your CNA365 account. 

Reciprocity: If you have been entered on a nurse aide registry in a state other than Mississippi in accordance with the training and competency evaluation requirements of OBRA ‘87, as amended, and if you are currently listed on that state’s registry as active and in good standing, you can request reciprocity. Applications for reciprocity are available on your CNA365 account.

2. Can I be tested at a testing site in Mississippi if I successfully complete a Nurse Aide Training program approved in another State?

No. Only those students that successfully complete a State Approved Nurse Aide Training Program in Mississippi are eligible to be tested in Mississippi. However, you may take the test in the State where you were trained and once you become certified, you may then apply for reciprocity in Mississippi.

3. How can I find test information?

All information about Mississippi’s testing program is available in the Mississippi Nurse Aide Candidate Handbook.

4. Can I be hired by a long-term care facility if I am not already certified?

It is State Policy that a long-term care facility participating in Medicaid/ Medicare must not hire an individual as a nurse aide unless that individual is already certified and/or is enrolled in a nurse aide training program being conducted by the nursing home.

5. Is there a time limit within which I must pass my exam after I complete my training?

You have twenty-four (24) months from the completion date of the training program to take and pass both parts of the NNAAP Examination. However, if you are employed by a long-term care facility participating in Medicaid/ Medicare, you must be certified within four (4) months of being hired.

6. How do I arrange special accommodations for my disability?

Credentia certifies that it complies with the provisions of the American Disabilities Act (42 USC. Section 12101, et. seq.). If you have a disability, you may ask for special arrangements for testing when you apply. All requests must be received in advance by Credentia. Be sure to explain the specific type of help you need and enclose proof of the need (diagnosed disability) from your health care provider. Nurse Aide Evaluators administering the Skills Evaluation will be prepared to meet the needs of nurse aide candidates who have disabling conditions.

7. My native language is not English. Are special accommodations available to me?

No. Both examinations are available in English only. An Oral Examination may be taken in place of the Written Examination if you have difficulty reading English. No interpreters or translators may be used during the written and/or clinical skills examination.

8. At what time should I report to the Test Center?

Plan to arrive thirty (30) minutes before your test center examination starts. If you are late for your scheduled examination, or do not bring proper identification, you will NOT be allowed to test and your examination fee will NOT be refunded.

9. Where are test center directions located?

Once Credentia receives your examination application, required documents, and fee, they will schedule you for testing at the site selected on your application. Credentia will email you an Authorization to Test Notice to the email listed on your application. The Authorization to Test Notice has important information about the examination.

10. What should I bring with me to the Test Center?

You must present two (2) forms of identification, one of which must be a photo identification. The name on the Candidate Roster MUST match the name on your identification. If it doesn’t, you must furnish proof to the Evaluator that your name has changed (i.e., marriage license, divorce degree, etc.).

11. I missed my examination. Can I get my fee waived when I reschedule?

The rules regarding excused absences can be found in the Candidate Handbook. In some cases, such as illness, a car accident, weather-related problems, or other circumstances, you may be eligible for an Excused Absence. The decision of Credentia regarding an excused absence will be final.

12. I took my examination and passed one part but not the other. Do I have to retake both parts of the examination?

No. You may retake only the part that you failed. A new examination fee is required each time you re-take any part of the NNAAP Examination. Refer to the Candidate Handbook for instructions on what you must submit to Credentia to retake either or both parts of the examination.

13. How can I correct my name and address?

Go online to your CNA365 account and submit a change request. Access your account at www.credentia. com/test-takers/ms

14. How do I obtain a state approved training program code or employer code?

The state approved training program will put the code on your application and sign the application. If you are employed by a long-term care facility that participates in Medicaid/Medicare, your employer will also place the employer code on the application.

15. I have adverse findings against me on the Nurse Aide Registry and my nurse aide certification has been revoked. How do I become certified again?

You cannot become certified again if adverse findings have been placed against you on the Mississippi Nurse Aide Registry and/or your certification has been revoked. This applies for any state, not just Mississippi. To be eligible for certification, renewal and/or reciprocity, you must not be listed on any other state’s nurse aide abuse registry and/or have had your nurse aide certification revoked in any state. You are no longer eligible to work for a Medicaid/Medicare certified nursing home in the United States. If you have a question about specific information on a finding against you, call the Mississippi State Department of Health, Bureau of Health Facilities, Licensure and Certification.

A nurse aide may petition to have a finding of neglect removed from his/her name if: employment and personal history does not reflect a pattern of neglect and/or neglect was a single occurrence. This determination may not begin until one year has passed.

For additional information on how to proceed with petition procedures please visit the Credentia website at www.credentia.com.

16. How do I keep my certification current?

To be eligible for re-certification, you must have worked as a nurse aide performing nurse aide services for monetary compensation for at least eight (8) hours in a nursing home or other health care setting (i.e., hospital, hospice, home health agency, or ICF/MR facility) during the previous twenty-four (24) month certification period. Approximately sixty (60) days before the expiration of your Nurse Aide Certification, Credentia will send you a renewal notice to the email you provided for your CNA365 account. An employment agency cannot fill out the employer section of the Re-certification Form. Employment as a private-duty aide, doctor’s office aide, laboratory aide, personal care home assisted living aide, or personal care home residential living aide does not qualify for re-certification. If you are not employed as a nurse aide at the time of re-certification, your last nurse aide employer must complete the employer section, attesting to your employment within the last twenty-four (24) months. If you are employed by a Medicaid/ Medicare nursing home at the time of re-certification, the nursing home is responsible for paying the renewal fee.

17. My certification expired. What do I need to do to become certified again?

An individual whose nurse aide certification has been revoked due to one finding of Neglect and whose certification has been revoked for a minimum of one year (12 months). Individual must have no additional findings of neglect during that time and must submit a completed petition to become active on the MS Nurse Aide Registry. This includes challenging the NNAAP Examination. If the individual fails either part of the examination, the Petition for Removal of Neglect will not be reviewed, and consideration of the removal of the finding of Neglect from the MS NAR will be denied. The individual will be permitted a second opportunity to challenge the exam as a part of the petition to have this finding removed after the finding has remained on the MS NAR one year (12 months) from the date of unsuccessful exam results. If the individual fails to successfully complete the examination the second time, there will be no additional opportunities to challenge the examination. No appeal will be permitted.

NOTE: If you select this Eligibility Route (E6), your application information will be forwarded to the Mississippi State Department of Health for review and approval before a testing date is scheduled. The individual may be asked to provide additional information for review, which could cause delay in testing.

To be eligible for certification renewal and/or reciprocity, you must be listed in “good standing” and cannot be listed on any other state’s nurse aide abuse registry and/or have had your nurse aide certification revoked in any state. You are no longer eligible to work for a Medicaid/ Medicare certified nursing home in the United States. If you have a question about specific information on a finding against you, call the Mississippi State Department of Health, Bureau of Health Facilities, Licensure and Certification. A nurse aide may petition to have a finding of neglect removed from his/her name if: employment and personal history does not reflect a pattern of neglect and/or neglect was a single occurrence. This determination may not begin until one year has passed.

For additional information on how to proceed with petition procedures please visit the Credentia website at https:// credentia.com/test-takers/ms.

18. How do I keep my certification current?

To be eligible for re-certification, you must have worked as a nurse aide performing nurse aide services for monetary compensation for at least eight (8) hours in a nursing home or other health care setting (i.e., hospital, hospice, home health agency, or ICF/MR facility) during the previous twenty-four (24) month certification period. Approximately sixty (60) days before the expiration of your Nurse Aide Certification, Credentia will send you a renewal notice to the email you provided for your CNA365 account. An employment agency cannot fill out the employer section of the Re-certification Form. Employment as a private-duty aide, doctor’s office aide, laboratory aide, personal care home assisted living aide, or personal care home residential living aide does not qualify for re-certification. If you are not employed as a nurse aide at the time of re-certification, your last nurse aide employer must complete the employer section, attesting to your employment within the last twenty-four (24) months. If you are employed by a Medicaid/ Medicare nursing home at the time of re-certification, the nursing home is responsible for paying the renewal fee.

19. My certification expired. What do I need to do to become certified again?

All other nurse aides whose certification has expired are required to re-test as a lapsed/expired nurse aide. You will have one opportunity to pass both parts of the examination in order to become active on the Registry. If you fail either the Written (or Oral) Examination OR the Skills Evaluation on the first try, you will be required to complete a Mississippi-approved nurse aide training program before being allowed to re-test as a new nurse aide.

20. I attended a nurse aide training program and/ or worked as a nurse aide prior to 1987. Can I apply for “Deemed Status” and/or “Waiver Status” to become a Certified Nurse Aide on the Mississippi Nurse Aide Registry?

No. The deadline for applying for “Deemed Status” was October 1, 1990. Applications for Deemed status are no longer being accepted. The deadline for States to waive (grandfather in) requirements for individuals who had served as a nurse aide at one or more facilities of the same employer in the State for at least twenty-four (24) consecutive months was December 19, 1989. Any nurse aide who has not already received deemed status or had requirements waived by the State must complete an approved training program and pass a written and clinical skills examination.

21. If my nurse aide certificate expires while I am deployed and/ or assigned overseas serving in the United States military, what do I do when I return home to get my nurse aide certification renewed?

Individuals may apply for renewal of nurse aide certification sixty (60) days before expiration. Any person in the armed services of the United States holding a valid nurse aide certificate and is out-of-state due to military service at the time his/her nurse aide certification expires may renew at any time within 120 days (six months) after being honorably discharged from such military service or upon returning to the State, without payment of any delinquent fees, retraining and/or re-examination. You will be required to submit a copy of your military ID (front and back) and a copy of your military orders along with a completed renewal application, and a cashier’s check or money order for the current renewal fee. However, this does not allow individuals to work as a certified nurse aide with an expired certification in a long-term care facility that participates in the Medicaid/Medicare programs.

22. If I successfully complete an online computer-based Nurse Aide Training Program, can I take the nurse aide competency examination at a testing site in Mississippi?

No. Mississippi does not accept online computer-based Nurse Aide Training Programs.

23. How can I get a current listing of the State Approved Nurse Aide Training Programs in Mississippi?

You should contact the Mississippi State Department of Health (MSDH) and request a current listing of the Mississippi State Approved Nurse Aide Training Programs. See “Quick Reference” section in front of this handbook for MSDH contact information.

24. How long after my date of expiration to renew my certification?

Mississippi has a 30-day grace period. After the grace period, the candidate will have to re-test or go back through a CNA program.

25. My certification has expired/ lapsed. I no longer have my completion certificate. What documentation must I send with the registration by examination application?

You can register for the examination by filling in your certification/roster number in the appropriate location on the application.

26. What happens to my Petition for Removal of Findings of Neglect if I fail either part of the NNAAP competency exam?

Failure to successfully complete the NA competency evaluation will be considered denial of the petition. Following a denial of the initial petition to MSDH/ HFLC for removal of a finding of neglect, the nurse aide may petition for a second consideration for removal twelve (12) months from the date of the Notice of Denial (or, from the date the unsuccessful testing results were received) of the initial petition. The procedure stated within this policy must be followed with a second petition. The decision following the second petition is FINAL and cannot be appealed.

27. Where do I obtain an application to Petition for Removal of a Finding of Neglect?

All applications (including, renewal, reciprocity, registration for examination, etc) can be found in your CNA365 account and accessed from http://www.credentia.com/test-takers/ms